Anatomy of Adrenal gland
The suprarenal or adrenal glands are endocrine glands which help to maintain water and electrolyte balance. These also prepare the body for any emergency. These are subjected to hyper- or hypofunctioning. Lack of secretion of the cortical part leads to Addison's disease. Excessive secretion causes retention of salts and fluids.Tumour of adrenal medulla or pheochromocytoma causes persistent severe hypertension. Subdivisions The suprarenal glands are a pair of important endocrine glands situated on the posterior abdominal wall over the upper pole of the kidneys behind the peritoneum. They are made up of two parts. 1 An outer cortex of mesodermal origin, which secretes a number of steroid hormones. 2 An inner medulla of neural crest origin, which is made up of chromaffin cells and secretes adrenaline and noradrenalin or catecholamines. Location Each gland lies in the epigastrium, at the upper pole of the kidney, in front of the crus of the diaphra...